Therapeutic Center for Anxiety and Trauma

Therapeutic Center for Anxiety and Trauma

Individual and Family Therapy

Now with 2 locations to serve you in San Diego county; Banker’s Hill and Escondido

Sometimes life throws us a curve-ball that we just didn't expect. Whatever the curve-ball is, either large or small, it is common to cause anxiety, even if it is something exciting. If your curve-ball is something that isn't so exciting, maybe you feel traumatized. This can happen for any situation that causes disruption to your daily routine, your thinking and ultimately your ability to function at your full potential. Whatever your anxiety or trauma is about, we can help! We are a team of therapists that work extensively with anxiety provoking issues. These could be about relationships, life events, or any negative experience that is holding you back. If you are struggling with moving past a traumatic incident, or finding it difficult to overcome anxiety of any sort, please contact us. We will have one of our experienced therapists contact you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Understanding Anxiety: A Guide to Finding Relief

Do You Experience...

  • Persistent Worry: Feeling anxious or on edge without a clear reason?

  • Physical Symptoms: Racing heart, sweating, trembling, or shortness of breath?

  • Avoidance: Avoiding situations that trigger anxiety?

  • Impact on Life: Difficulty concentrating, sleeping, or enjoying activities?

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response to stress, but when it becomes overwhelming and starts affecting your daily life, it might be an anxiety disorder. It's more than just feeling nervous before a big event. It can be an ongoing, excessive worry that interferes with your life and happiness.

Understanding Your Anxiety

  • Types of Anxiety: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, etc.

  • Causes: Genetics, brain chemistry, life events, and environmental factors.

  • Symptoms: Emotional, physical, and behavioral signs to look out for.

  • Treatment Options: Therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and self-help strategies.

Seeking Relief?

You're not alone. Many individuals find ways to manage and overcome anxiety. Whether it's through therapy, medication, or simple lifestyle adjustments, relief is possible.

Take the First Step!

1. Educate Yourself: Learn about anxiety, its symptoms, and available treatments.

2. Seek Support: Connect with mental health professionals or support groups.

3. Practice Self-Care: Incorporate relaxation techniques and healthy habits into your routine.

4. Explore Treatment: Consider therapy, medication, or alternative therapies that suit you.

5. Take Action: Start implementing changes to reclaim your peace of mind.

We're Here to Help!

Our clinician can offer anxiety therapy resources, guidance, and a supportive community for those navigating this challenge. Take the first step towards a calmer, happier life. You deserve it.


Anxiety is treatable. With the right therapy, support and strategies, you can manage it effectively and live a fulfilling life. Don't let anxiety hold you back—take control today.